Our Approach

Take Control.

Best-in-class businesses generate more income and sell for higher multiples than similar-sized, good businesses. But it’s too late to become best-in-class once you’re ready to transition or an event causes a transition out of your control. Building your business so that it maximizes income today and value when the time comes to exit is just a good business strategy.

Our approach supports the strategic and intentional efforts you take to work on your business and maximize its value, regardless of whether or when you plan to exit. All owners will exit their business at some point, but not all will control when or how.

Taking control means you are not leaving the value of your most valuable asset to chance or to be dictated by the market and creating a business that attracts the best employees, customers, and vendors. Without execution, strategic planning to become best-in-class is just a document. 

Execution against that plan is the key to results. If your business already has strong leadership to drive execution while you focus on what’s next and culture, you are a step ahead and can begin a cadence of strategic planning. If your team has gaps or needs development, we can come alongside you and your team with Fractional Services (Business Operations/COO/CFO) services to support accountability and execution.

The Gestalt Business Solutions team helps business owners, exhausted from being everything to everyone, create clarity, alignment, and accountability in their organizations. Our support allows you to focus more on relationships and what’s next while your team executes the day-to-day with a system and processes supporting the pursuit of being best-in-class. Our solutions and value-added services are comprehensive and complementary to each other. You can activate them individually, as needed, or in addition to other ongoing work within your business.

Your first step is easy and doesn’t commit you to any change, accountability, or extraordinary efforts. Take control by understanding the health and range of value of your business. Best case? You learn you have a healthy, best-in-class business prepared for anything. Worst case? You learn that your business provides a great income and lifestyle today, but there is an opportunity to make it stronger and more valuable. You will identify the areas that need focus, and you will have time to work through these as an investment in your future.

What Every Business Owner Needs to Know To Identify, Protect, and Maximize The Value of Your Business

We will walk through the process with you and help plan for the future.