I’ve been updating the LinkedIn profiles for My CFO and a new company we’re launching called Gestalt. I’m excited to post more on that into January as we get it off the starting line, but this first post is timely. As I’ve been in and out of LinkedIn more over the last week, my feed has served up multiple posts from brand profiles or individuals asking a simple question, “What are you reflecting on?” Reflection is important. History is a great teacher if we are open to its lessons and use them to move forward in a more informed way.

I run. Not as often as I should or with a relevant pace, but for my health (physical and mental), for clarity, and sometimes fresh ideas. I was fortunate to get a run in today, which took me through these thoughts. My course is often out and back along a road that runs north and south. From the south to the north was also the path the wind was taking today. As I went out, the wind was at my back and at the turn it was in my face, creating a challenging second half of the run. As I was thinking back to the LinkedIn posts asking the question about reflection, I couldn’t help but think about the wind. If I stop for long to think back on the last year, or few years, I can think of times, both business and personal, where it seemed like the wind was at my back. Times where it seemed like things were clicking and the miles ticked by. Where I felt smooth and to passing traffic it looked like I knew what I was doing. I can also think about times where I’ve made the turn and the wind shifted, pushing against me. Times where it felt like no matter how hard I pushed forward the wind was always slowing me down and where people passing couldn’t tell if I was running or walking. You are likely thinking back to times over the last year where the wind has been in your face or at your back. We’re not alone.

This time of year is great for reflection and learning. I won’t discount the enjoyment we get from nostalgia or the importance of gratitude for what we’ve been through. While fun, I’ve found that enjoyment to be momentary. There is value in looking at how far we’ve come and value in recognizing it. More to come in a later post on the gap and gain, but when we start training or building, it is the finish line that fuels the excitement. When we start on a trip, it is the destinations in front of us that we are excited for – not to look back and think of the miles we’ve traveled. The path in front of us and the pursuit of that next effort, milestone, or mission to accomplish is what creates new, sustainable energy.

It doesn’t matter if the wind is in your face or at your back today because the thing about wind, literal and metaphorical, is that it shifts. So, as you reflect on 2021 and enjoy the rewards of wind at your back or the strength you built from working against it, I hope you are energized and excited for the adventure ahead in 2022. If you’re fortunate enough to have it at your back remember that others are fighting against it. A simple encouragement goes a long way. Or, if you’re like me on my run today and the wind is in your face at the turn, keep pushing. Either the wind will shift, or you’ll reach the finish. Either way, find the good in what you accomplished and look forward to the path in front of you.

I’m excited for 2022 and what’s to come.
